Green Tech Corporation believes that "Clean Energy and Technology" is an essential necessity for the businesses of today, and in the future. We are dedicated to the preservation and protection of our environment and all of its land, marine and aviary wildlife.
We have created an industry leading Renewable Energy Nano & Micro Grid solution for the supply of clean electricity to promote efficient and productive businesses while leaving the smallest effects of a carbon footprint behind.
In harnessing the abundant and inexhaustible resource of wind, solar and hydro technologies in a proprietary interchangeable modular system, and storing this energy in a unique battery pack to ensure an even supply, our advanced technologies can provide clean energy in an off-grid or grid connected system.
Green Tech Corporation (GTC) strives to help create more productive companies along with a more productive planet.
GTC provides a clean and smart renewable energy Nano grid solution using:
GTC will show you how to capitalize on combined solar state and federal incentives which can save you up to 60%.
Our products include a complete wind energy solution for the growing demand of direct distributed power.
Our Smart Hydro Power Turbine produces a maximum amount of electrical power using the kinetic energy of flowing water.
Our renewable energy Nano Grid solutions are ideal for:
This industry is energy-intensive and can overwhelm the local power grid. Pure O & M can generate a portion of its electricity using wind, solar, and CHP through a microgrid to reduce grid strain.
The installation of hydrokinetic turbines behind traditional hydro power plants is applicable all over the world in order to profit from the existing high energy potential.
The installation of the SMART Hybrid System in Marisol, Peru represents a typical installation of a GTC Nano Grid in a community that had electricity for only a couple of hours per day.